Sunday, July 24, 2011

My First Filofax

I've always loved notebooks and planners and office supplies and organizing; It's inherited from my mother!  For the past few years I've been searching for the perfect planner (is there such a thing?).

First I used a Moleskine Pocket Weekly notebook, which I loved, I could write all my appointments on the left, and any to do lists on the right.  The only thing that bothered me about it, was that there were not time slots to put in my appointments, so I'd have a 3PM appointment written in and then underneath it a 10AM apppointment.. grrr... that just doesn't work for me for time management.

So then I found the Quo Vadis Business planner.  I've been using this for all my appointments and tasks since the beginning of 2010.  It is perfect for appointments, I can see the whole week at a glance, and time slots to put all my appointments so I can properly plan out my day.   There are also spaces to put phone calls, emails, to do lists and notes for each week.  I was still struggling with how to keep track of longer term projects, goals, reference info, etc.

So along comes my discovery of FiloFax.  I fell in love with the gorgeous pocket size Raspberry Finsbury, I bought it and decided to use this for all of those lists, lists, lists, that I can't keep in my Quo Vadis planner.  I bought the 6 index tabs and got creative with some art journaling on them :).  Here's an inside peek at my filoFax (more info on each section can be found by clicking on the photo to go to Flickr):

My Organizing Trifecta:  iPhone, Pocket Raspberry Finsbury FiloFax, and my Quo Vadis Business Planner in Raspberry
My Organizing Trifecta

Some art journaling on the inside front cover - pictures are from Gorjuss!
filofax - Inside Front

Tasks - everything that needs to get done (I use the To Do pages from FiloFax - I love checking off the boxes)
Filofax - Tasks Tab

Lists - projects, shopping lists, gift ideas, books to read, etc.
Filofax - Lists

Notes - Notes from Dr. visits, phone calls, random thoughts, etc.
Filofax - Notes Tab

Info - holds all of my long term reference info, I have a page for me, Kevin, and for each pet
Filofax - Info Tab

Still TBD - Any suggestions?
Filofax - Index Tab

Me - holds anything that inspires me, goals, pictures, etc.
Filofax - Index Tab

Behind the 'Me' tab are all the address and phone number tabs.

Here's a close up of all my tabs
Filofax - Index Tabs

How are you organized?  I'd love to hear.

Digital Scrapbook Credit:  Images from 'Desk Mess' scrapbook kit from Holliewood Studios at Deviant Scrap


  1. I use Outlook and Microsoft Exchange to push calendar data to my phone.... for everything else I use you and sometimes I use Post Its and put them on the speedometer of the truck

  2. WELL... I have too many places I keep my "to do lists"! My little $1.00 calendar in my purse that I write appointments on, so I can look at if someone calls and needs me to babysit, etc. My big calendar on the inside of my pantry door. (this one I write on in December for the following year) It has the whole year of appointments, birthdays, etc. on it, and then every month I write cleaning schedules and stuff on it, and EVERY Sunday I take that weeks appointments off it and write them on my daily planner that stays on my kitchen counter. This is the one I look at every single day and cross off the stuff when it is done. It sounds like a lot of lists, but it works for me. I am very organized and anyone can see what I do, or need to do that day. I never forget a birthday, return a library book, when to schedule reservations for camping trips, any appointments, etc. I even have certain days for cleaning different rooms in my house and washing different loads of laundry. I know I sound too strict about it, but I can change things if I need to. As you can tell, I like to plan things ahead of time. It's all written down to remind me!!!!!!! I am afraid if I bought this cute planner you are using, I would still use all the same other calendars I have. It is so cute though, and I hope it works for you!
